In Lieu of Flowers —

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the visitors who have reached out to offer their condolences for the loss of Kathy. Your support and care are truly appreciated.

In honor of Kathy’s memory, we kindly request that instead of sending flowers, you consider making a donation to Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Brain Institute that deeply resonates with Kathy’s journey. Alzheimer’s disease was a challenge that Kathy courageously faced in her lifetime and your contribution towards finding a cure would mean the world to us, her family. Your donation in Kathy’s memory would be a meaningful way to pay tribute to her and help others affected by this disease. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Oregon Health & Science University Brain Institute

We have done some research and found that the goals and values of the Brain Institute at Oregon Health & Science University align with what we as a family believe in light of Kathy’s struggle with this disease. To learn more about their work, please feel free to click on the logo to your left.
We feel that gifts given in support of the Brain Institute are a great way of honoring Kathy’s memory. We are grateful for your support and condolences during this difficult time — We appreciate the kind thoughts and well wishes. We hope these contributions made in Kathy’s memory will help the charity make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

To Make a Donation to OHSU's Brain Research —

Click the "Donate Here" & Select "OHSU Brain Institute Research" as your fund of choice to get started